Hi everyone! Crafting has come to a standstill once again I'm afraid :( Still so much snow around (although the thaw has begun I think?) and that = digging, shovelling etc and the school is still closed and again tomorrow!! so doing lots of activities with DS to keep ourselves amused :)
Kath over at AllthatGlitter's wants to see how much snow everyone has :) so I measured the snow in the garden yesterday, the ruler is 18" so you can see how deep it is!!!! and it's much deeper where it has drifted against the walls etc.
The 2nd photo is what our walk to the local shop looks like! A very narrow tunnel along the path and can you see all the icicles on everyone's houses! (click the photo for a better view)
The third photo is my friend's lovely view from her kitchen window :0) The snow is upto the bottom of the windowsill and can you see all the snow perched on the birdtable!! I managed to capture the sun just setting on the forest in the background, it looked as if it was on fire IRL :)
I am hoping normal crafting posts will resume soon, hope you like the photos x
Thanks for looking xx
Just awesome photos!! I love all the icicles hanging down from the roofs! been a bot of a winter hasn't it?? I saw my first patch of green today :) Looks like your might be a few days away .....
Judy xx
wow jenny I feel a little bit pathetic with my 12"...where in the Highlands are you.....hope you are coping OK....thanks for sharing your beautiful pics with us all....big hugs kath xxxx
Wow, thanks for sharing these photos with us. I clicked on the second one, those icicles are amazing, and we thought we had snow here in Norfolk, lol! Ours has nearly gone now, just icy pavements. Hope to see soem more crafting soon. Keep warm. Marianne x
oh my word!! i thought we had it bad, hope youre well hugs m xxx
OMGosh Jenny, it's unbelievable! Thanks for sharing these with us. Take care, Sharon
Wow,thats a serious amount of snow.What a mess there is going to be once it starts melting.Keep warm.Elisa.x
Oh wow, can I come over and play in all that! :) Not a flake of snow here. :( Hope your snow doesn't melt all at once.
Hi!Jenny,Wow! all that snow is just amazing and those icicles i have never seen that before.Lovely photos,Lou.xx
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